Saturday, July 16, 2011

Is vanity a sin among doctors?

This was to be written when I was back in India, but was held back in the exepctation that things would be different in the US. Expectation that there would be more patient centricity. That there would be less back-biting among professionals.
I recently heard a joke -'How do doctors commit suicide---by jumping off their ego'. After spending sometime in here, I concur with this. One would have thought that having to deal with something as blatantly real as death on a daily basis, there would not be any scope for petty egos in this field. But as it happens always, we are always wrong when we expect some idealism sprouting from logic.
Aside from being a completely humbling factor on a basic human level, something as absolute as death should also be dealing doctors a hard blow of defeat day in and day out. As we fight disease everyday, death, as the culmination of that disease and pathologic process gaining victory everyday-there is barely any other way of life where I can think of where you can harbor and grow egos in the face of such daily defeats. Of course, one would need to see things in the perspective aforementioned.
There seems to be another viewpoint to this scenario to be fair to the doctors. Many patients would prefer a doctor who sounds confident to one who is confident but doesn't sound so. Admittedly, perhaps even I myself would like to die at the hands of a doctor who can give me confidence that every effort has been exhausted as a treatment option. I'm guessing I won't care much after I've breathed my last if that confident doc had missed any treatment options or was having any second thoughts about things or was even being sad and feeling helpless to see me go. On the other hand, I'd be dying before I die thinking and hoping and wishing that I get better help if the doctor attending me was to be pondering about newer treatments and experimental treatments-just out of his goodwill and commitment towards medicine or the patients- to keep me alive even though I had no hope in the whole wide world. So, I rake my brains again for another blurry line of life manifesting as this question- Is vanity a bad thing among doctors? or is it necessary? Or is it just an unnecessary convenient extreme of confidence? And why would you expect the doctor to exhibit restraint against indulging in this small guilty pleasure of indulging his egos when the whole world around deals in crookery? Why should you expect him to stop short of vanity and just stay confident for the sole and altruistic purpose of comforting the patient?! end

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