Friday, May 8, 2009

Even the switches are upside down!

1.The roads-you drive on the right side of the road.
2.The driving seat is on the left in the vehicles.
3 Even the switches are upside down. They are off when they are pressed down and on when up.
4. The taps ,you just push the knobs to one side most of them.Left side- warm water,right side cold water. But in one home I saw the traditional tap,where you have to rotate the knob and yup,even that was working the other way. So,it didn't move when I turned it to my right and water started flowing when I turned it to the left. Left me in a speechless stare for a couple of seconds.
5 Oh yea. Very natural and basic, But the time.That is inverse too. It's am here if it's pm in India and pm here if it's am there.
6. They write the away team's name and score first during sports but all over the world they write the home team's score first.
7.It's nokia all over..except in US.

There must be many more such things here so,this list is sure to be updated from time to time.

Also,on roads,the pedestrian is the king. It was so hilarious watching these huge, cool looking cars stop for me to cross the road at leisure. Kudos on the overall traffic here. Guess it comes from being so lowly populated. When you land in America first,and start moving around, you miss a camera so much.Especially from the summer of India. The place is so well kept,neat and tidy. I still miss a camera,the index finger tickles and tries to flex into a clicking position from time to time as the thumb gives a grip to the imaginary camera from below.Trees of a particular kind are grown I believe,cos they all seem in such order and shape.
Kroger store.You pay your bill yourself. I mean..just get the stuff checked in(by a machine) and put the dollars in the machine or credit card payment. Awesome concept.Loved it.
The masjid place disturbs though. Everyone starts their chatter as soon as they are done with the namaz. It becomes like a social gathering. A place of worship has to have it's sanctity,24 into 7. A decorum. An aura to it. It irritated me in India too, and it's more so here. But then...well, I just hope to change these things one day.
Hmmm..first impressions of the country.United States of America. Man! people are so talkative.Having little dawats and meet ups all the time. God help me there. hehe.
Edit:Sadly, the Indians are almost the same here. If anything it just increases their ego manifold that they are earning lot more here and that they are in America now or whatever. But it's the same egotist, cribbing personality.It's never their mistake,they are supreme beings but when you give them any honest compliment the cribbing starts instantly.SICK OF THE FAKE SACRIFICIAL SADISTS.Shoot! Whatever... Oops,no disrespect to the good ones though. The good ones are good anywhere.

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