Sunday, April 26, 2009
Unconditional Love is an Illusion!
I saw the movie again yesterday and wanted to put down my thoughts on it and about things around it.
This. And coming right after a movie which centers around love. Makes you wonder about the hypocritical people of the world or the degree of unrealism of cinema. I simply burst out into a little laugh when I first saw this just after having finished watching the movie last time. All those awards and stuff, you know..
Well, about the awards,yea-I concur with them. Well deserved. Just loved the editing. Some of the initial scenes it felt like the scissor was working at your eyelashes.SNAP!
And the casting. Amazing. Those kids. Jamal was the endless cutie,both as the youngest and middle jamal. And Salim with that face of the realistic elder brother-not the brutal villainy but just that roughened up look. Oh I just loved the casting. Anil Kapoor could have had better dialogues but boy,was he awesome in his role!Big bad ass upmarket tycoon oppressing the lower class of the society.That is what is termed a winner's attitude in this world isn't it? anyways. But then,as they say-there is no such thing as perfection-what the hell is the deal with Latika Pinto. The younger versions were lovely but whatever attracted the makers to Freida Pinto. One sore spot I guess. Sorry if this sounds superficial,but in a 3 hour movie that is the best bet. You get to judge them by their looks only,so it was kinda confusing why Jamal would go through so much and after such a long separation. They could have done with a better one there..anyways..
Now to the contentious issues-All the patriots in India getting up in arms against a foreign filmmaker not being able to see through the 'dirty underbelly' of India. And the counterargument was this-that it wasn't meant to be a negative propaganda of the region and Danny Boyle sang praises of how the people of the slums were not complaining even living such lives and were just happy and gay about their everyday life. It was a celebration as he said.
It struck me during the scene where Salim thrusts an infant into Latika's arms forcing her to use the kid to earn double money and then "Rote rah baccha,triple money"-Crying baby earns triple money. YES,the kid will eventually stop crying and all that,but while he is in pain,it IS a cause for concern isn't it? So there I felt his 'celebration' quote was flawed. I mean-that is just a wrong thing and a wrong way to celebrate.Neither something that's worth celebrating.Far from it. There are quite a few other scenes like like that in the film,none so more blindingly glaring than the blinding scene of Aravind. Yea, he moves on, on his alms collecting job makes jokes and is cavalier and casual when he comes across Jamal later, but is that what one would call celebration? Or for that matter- normalcy? My intuitions an inquisitions take over me many times in all sorts of situations and thus I am left wondering and cringing in discomfort over a search for an explanation ofthings when I imagine Aravind asking someone-Why ?
Why it happened what happened to him?
Why does he have to endure the life that he has to now?
Taking sides on this one seems difficult for me for now. Maybe someday someone will convince me into taking one side. What cannot be denied is some parts of the movie are just brilliant to experience.
Sunday, April 5, 2009
This was fun!

Dextrocardia refers to the heart being situated on the right side of the body. Dextrocardia Situs Inversus refers to the heart being a mirror image situated on the right side. For all visceral organs to be mirrored, the correct term is Dextrocardia Situs Inversus Totalis.
Dextrocardia is believed[1] to occur in approximately 1 in 12,019 people, while one of 30 of these will have Situs Inversus. Totalis occurs in approximately 1 in 5,000 of Dextrocardia Situs Inversus.
Kartagener’s Syndrome occurs in approximately 1 in 25 of Totalis. This disorder affects the sinus and bronchial cilia causing constant sinus and bronchial symptoms that medication can not rectify. With Kartagener’s both are usually present all year rather than being seasonal.
Although statistically people with Dextrocardia Situs Inversus do not have any medical problems from the disorder, some are prone to a number of bowel, esophagus, bronchial and cardiac problems. Some of these conditions can be life threatening if left unchecked.(from wiki).
English Translation:
You know the human body goes through all kinds of evolution while developing in the womb. There is all kinds of cells getting sloughed off, new types of cells forming, tissues differentiating, limbs, organs, organ systems forming one after the other.
And quite a few organs are formed from different places. A striking example would be the male germ cells(cells of the scrotum). They are formed near you back. And slowly,they are pushed out by the time you are born. The kidneys are formed in a lower position-three types of them of increasing sophistication,and they are raised to a higher level. The pancreas forms forward to backward round the gut and it rotates, joins, and settles on the left. etc etc.
Similarly, the heart,that old ticker. We all studied it has these 4 rooms,chambers. Top 2 and bottom 2. And the kicker is this. The atria(the top 2) are below the ventricles(bottom 2) during the embryological development. And in a forward backward axis. It is later tilted to the left right axis.
Now, to cut the bull shit..
This guy, a diabetic patient, must have stressed out a bit at work and did not have a proper meal. His insulin caused him to go hypoglycemic and he was brought to the hospital with symptoms of irritability and impaired perception of surroundings. Obscenities flew left and right from his mouth until we gave him glucose which settled him.
Precautionary ECGs are taken for all older patients with non specific symptoms and this guy's ECG taken 3-4 times was showing the same reverse pattern. And when it was confirmed by listening to his heart, that it lay on the other side,everybody in the room was excited. We got an X ray done and it's there at the top of the article to see. This was quite fun.
Oh yea, don't worry,he is 55 years old and he didin't even know of this till we told him.As you can find out from google,dextrocardia can go unnoticed and free of problems many times. Oh and yea,that's the hand of yours truly in that picture.
(Diaphragmatic eventration coming up soon.Stay tuned)
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
The madness for power..
Curiosity is my thing. I google pretty much anything and everything, interesting, boring,new anything from time to time. So the past few days there is this Maneka Gandhi and her son Varun Gandhi a lot on the news,it being election time, I googled the mother and entered her wiki page entry. I was always curious as to how she ended up in BJP,but being lowkey,she had evaded my research until now.
And what I found out from there and other pages will leave you or any sensible grown-up in a bubble of disbelief. Full of jaw-drop and all.
I wanted to copy paste the article but,it's too nauseating. To see a woman going to such levels to gain leverage and political ground. All this bullshit debates about obscenity on tv,in movies etc while our leaders-well,so called leaders,if you say- go about unabashedly shattering the concept of boudaries when it comes to power grabbing. Imagine. Imagine what must've been the life of that female victim. Of course, it's not important is it? not all humans are equal. Silly me. But still, the idea of a leader of the nation herself and her know,just discussing the legalities and the profits of the pictures with no regard to anything called ethics sends one into a deeper quagmire of distrust against this sub-species among people,the politicians. Don't get me wrong, I don't blame and corner and typecast the politicians as evil of the society and all that.It's pretty nonsensical in my view,cos they are one of us only. They are born from our own soceity. So it's pretty nonsensical to badmouth them. But then,things like this...another level.
Cut to the present, and 'honorable' Mrs.Gandhi of the BJP goes about remarking, communalising people for the sake of power. Not surprising considering how low they can stoop to if needed. If the ease with which they go about spewing venom is amazing to watch, it's even more amazing to see idiots who constitute their loyal party workers and the other similar public fall for it-every time.
But,credit where it's due-the other day I read another article in a newspaper where they reported that the people in the said constituency were like- ' they have to come up with something better,it's easy to see the plot now and we are in no mood to get into fights'.
P.S. Rajeev Gandhi's then failed assassin,some guy is contesting elections this time-just heard in the news. Hope he has had his rehabilitation in the jail and is totally devoted to social service now. As they say, it's the former drug addicts that make the best drug counsellors. Hehe.