Wednesday, December 16, 2009
Saturday, November 7, 2009
4 stars out of 5 though. One star lost to that imbecile at the boarding area. Typical idiot trying to sound strict without an idea of what he was asking or listening to while cracking stale jokes for the amusement of his female colleagues on adjacent desks. Ok, from here on it was all a pleasant time. The plane cabin was clean and the seats were taut and comfortable unlike the ones in Air India(AI) where you sink into the seats after sitting, not to mention the untidy seats. Airhostesses were quite courteous and spiffy too. Now that's what I thought they ought to be before I had my first flight with AI. The crew is lost in their own world once the plane starts flight and one of them was literally shouting at one poor old woman for trying to get to the restroom while plane was descending. Right from where she was seated. And the AI food sucked too. Completely.
Food in ba- that is one of the best I've tasted. Getting every meal neatly packed and labelled halal over it was so reassuring. And I had about 4 meals over the course of the long flight and each one was different in substance but similar in quality-excellent. I think I told everyone I met after that flight about the food in BA.
Entertainment- blew me away. It was perhaps fitting that I got to watch the Heath Ledger masterpiece in The Dark Knight aboard this wonderful airways. Also watched Taking of Pelham, and Hangover. There were a few other very recent movies and I saw on their website that the movies change every month, which is in absolute and complete contrast to AI which had the same old worn out movies during both my trips 6 months apart.
There was one another experience too. In the night when everyone was asleep, I woke up momentarily to pull the sheet over me when I saw one of the airhostesses had come out for something-hair let down. In the half asleep state of mine, it felt like some angel had glided in into the aeroplane from the outside. Again,stark contrast to the haggard crew of the AI.
It was so great flying with ba, that when one of my co-passenger asked for help filling out the customer satisfaction form, I took it from him and filled it out myself with 5 stars in every column and also asked for extra card for extra compliments. Especially the food.
The london layover was funny. It felt like an Indian airport. Many of the shops had Indians at the desk and there were a lot of passengers that were Indians and even the crew at the flight entry check-in was and Indian lady and a sardarji. I mean, that was amazing. The connecting flight from London to chicago was no different. Pleasant crew, amazing food and neat cabin. And this time a scottish dude was accomodated beside my seat cos his tv wasn't working in his original seat. After sometime we talked for quite some time and it was fun.
All in all, an amazing experience, thoroughly pleasant and left me wanting to aboard the return trip as son as possible
Friday, October 9, 2009
The world's most populated joke.
Now figure this out- One of my friends, a doctor who works in a government clinic. 3 hours a day in a shoddy clinic about half hour away from his house. He went to school and college like normal people, paid his fees, gave routine exams and got his MBBS degree-became a doctor. Now he works at the clinic. The first month he did his job routinely, like any other job. Going in on time, working as per schedule and returning home on his modest bike. 18000 rupees(about 400$ for my american readers) was the salary stipulated. So at the end of a month came the time to collect his salary.First salary. Exciting. All normal, right? Wrong. He doesn't get the salary. The people manning the finances of his department bring up some unfilled paperwork and some other unknown formalities and refuse to pay the guy. The doctor is confused initially, then frustrated slowly. Then slowly he realizes he has entered the working class of India where nothing budges without money changing hands.(It's actually a saying in ISLAM-Not even a leaf can move without God willing). So he reluctantly shells out the required amount and voila! In 2 days he gets his salary of 15000(350$) rupees. And that's the amount he's been collecting each month, as the remaining one goes into the pockets of the superiors or the clerks who disperse the salaries. After gaining education for years, someone goes to work everyday on schedule, and in the end has to pay his own money to people who he doesn't know, somewhere in some office just to collect his earnings. It's been a few months since I've heard this from him and it still amuses me. Confuses me.
more to come...
Saturday, May 30, 2009
One major event of this life.
Well, anyhow, that was it. And after about 2-3 weeks of preparation I appeared for the exam. I was just one of maybe 3 who didn' have an accent among the examinees. The girl candidates looked spiffy. The hotel wallahs charged me 1.5 dollars for a glass of water. And when I ordered 2 glasses of water for breakfast and did not have change for 5 dollars-I got to use the phrase 'keep the change' for the first time. 2 dollars as tip for 2 glasses of water. Doesn't get more posh than this. (That is what nerves before exam and a new country,new place, new people can do I guess).
Lunch at a mexican eatery and after checking out from the place that I was staying, it turned out to be a great day from there on. Oh even before that, I hope I made a friend during lunch.We'll see about that later,but after checking out and going to a friend's place with my cousin, we had a barbecue with some friends of his...awesome people with great manners. Felt like schooltime friendship again. And then off to bowling.Woohoo. Sport is in my blood.No,in my genes and DNA molecules. And it didn't take much time that I took to the sport. Spinning learnt in a day. Looking forward to my next outing at a bowling alley.
Next day,off to Universal Studios. Ramoji Film City of Hollywood. Obviously on another scale. Just a place to roam around, it didn't get the adrenaline rolling as another night out at some bowling or other sports place would have done. I felt a sense of stupidity/idiocy though after seeing that the whole King Kong habitat in a small piece of land in there. Damn! So,all this while I was being made an idiot in all those movies. Many such movies with huge worldly destruction-all inside that compound. Damn!
Next day,lunch at friends,then return home and then for a telugu movie. An awesome one at that,starring my favorite actor. Well,it was a great 3 days..but then it still sucks having to live off relatives,At a minimum, that feeling of take is there,at leas personally. Prayers to the almighty, to make me self sufficient and to give me that much prosperity so that I help out a lot more of my friends too. Also,fervent prayers to pass the CS exam too. I do not ever want to face that exam again. Hope this major event comes only once in my life.
Friday, May 8, 2009
Even the switches are upside down!
2.The driving seat is on the left in the vehicles.
3 Even the switches are upside down. They are off when they are pressed down and on when up.
5 Oh yea. Very natural and basic, But the time.That is inverse too. It's am here if it's pm in India and pm here if it's am there.
There must be many more such things here so,this list is sure to be updated from time to time.
Also,on roads,the pedestrian is the king. It was so hilarious watching these huge, cool looking cars stop for me to cross the road at leisure. Kudos on the overall traffic here. Guess it comes from being so lowly populated. When you land in America first,and start moving around, you miss a camera so much.Especially from the summer of India. The place is so well kept,neat and tidy. I still miss a camera,the index finger tickles and tries to flex into a clicking position from time to time as the thumb gives a grip to the imaginary camera from below.Trees of a particular kind are grown I believe,cos they all seem in such order and shape.
Kroger store.You pay your bill yourself. I mean..just get the stuff checked in(by a machine) and put the dollars in the machine or credit card payment. Awesome concept.Loved it.
The masjid place disturbs though. Everyone starts their chatter as soon as they are done with the namaz. It becomes like a social gathering. A place of worship has to have it's sanctity,24 into 7. A decorum. An aura to it. It irritated me in India too, and it's more so here. But then...well, I just hope to change these things one day.
Hmmm..first impressions of the country.United States of America. Man! people are so talkative.Having little dawats and meet ups all the time. God help me there. hehe.
Edit:Sadly, the Indians are almost the same here. If anything it just increases their ego manifold that they are earning lot more here and that they are in America now or whatever. But it's the same egotist, cribbing personality.It's never their mistake,they are supreme beings but when you give them any honest compliment the cribbing starts instantly.SICK OF THE FAKE SACRIFICIAL SADISTS.Shoot! Whatever... Oops,no disrespect to the good ones though. The good ones are good anywhere.
Sunday, April 26, 2009
Unconditional Love is an Illusion!
I saw the movie again yesterday and wanted to put down my thoughts on it and about things around it.
This. And coming right after a movie which centers around love. Makes you wonder about the hypocritical people of the world or the degree of unrealism of cinema. I simply burst out into a little laugh when I first saw this just after having finished watching the movie last time. All those awards and stuff, you know..
Well, about the awards,yea-I concur with them. Well deserved. Just loved the editing. Some of the initial scenes it felt like the scissor was working at your eyelashes.SNAP!
And the casting. Amazing. Those kids. Jamal was the endless cutie,both as the youngest and middle jamal. And Salim with that face of the realistic elder brother-not the brutal villainy but just that roughened up look. Oh I just loved the casting. Anil Kapoor could have had better dialogues but boy,was he awesome in his role!Big bad ass upmarket tycoon oppressing the lower class of the society.That is what is termed a winner's attitude in this world isn't it? anyways. But then,as they say-there is no such thing as perfection-what the hell is the deal with Latika Pinto. The younger versions were lovely but whatever attracted the makers to Freida Pinto. One sore spot I guess. Sorry if this sounds superficial,but in a 3 hour movie that is the best bet. You get to judge them by their looks only,so it was kinda confusing why Jamal would go through so much and after such a long separation. They could have done with a better one there..anyways..
Now to the contentious issues-All the patriots in India getting up in arms against a foreign filmmaker not being able to see through the 'dirty underbelly' of India. And the counterargument was this-that it wasn't meant to be a negative propaganda of the region and Danny Boyle sang praises of how the people of the slums were not complaining even living such lives and were just happy and gay about their everyday life. It was a celebration as he said.
It struck me during the scene where Salim thrusts an infant into Latika's arms forcing her to use the kid to earn double money and then "Rote rah baccha,triple money"-Crying baby earns triple money. YES,the kid will eventually stop crying and all that,but while he is in pain,it IS a cause for concern isn't it? So there I felt his 'celebration' quote was flawed. I mean-that is just a wrong thing and a wrong way to celebrate.Neither something that's worth celebrating.Far from it. There are quite a few other scenes like like that in the film,none so more blindingly glaring than the blinding scene of Aravind. Yea, he moves on, on his alms collecting job makes jokes and is cavalier and casual when he comes across Jamal later, but is that what one would call celebration? Or for that matter- normalcy? My intuitions an inquisitions take over me many times in all sorts of situations and thus I am left wondering and cringing in discomfort over a search for an explanation ofthings when I imagine Aravind asking someone-Why ?
Why it happened what happened to him?
Why does he have to endure the life that he has to now?
Taking sides on this one seems difficult for me for now. Maybe someday someone will convince me into taking one side. What cannot be denied is some parts of the movie are just brilliant to experience.
Sunday, April 5, 2009
This was fun!

Dextrocardia refers to the heart being situated on the right side of the body. Dextrocardia Situs Inversus refers to the heart being a mirror image situated on the right side. For all visceral organs to be mirrored, the correct term is Dextrocardia Situs Inversus Totalis.
Dextrocardia is believed[1] to occur in approximately 1 in 12,019 people, while one of 30 of these will have Situs Inversus. Totalis occurs in approximately 1 in 5,000 of Dextrocardia Situs Inversus.
Kartagener’s Syndrome occurs in approximately 1 in 25 of Totalis. This disorder affects the sinus and bronchial cilia causing constant sinus and bronchial symptoms that medication can not rectify. With Kartagener’s both are usually present all year rather than being seasonal.
Although statistically people with Dextrocardia Situs Inversus do not have any medical problems from the disorder, some are prone to a number of bowel, esophagus, bronchial and cardiac problems. Some of these conditions can be life threatening if left unchecked.(from wiki).
English Translation:
You know the human body goes through all kinds of evolution while developing in the womb. There is all kinds of cells getting sloughed off, new types of cells forming, tissues differentiating, limbs, organs, organ systems forming one after the other.
And quite a few organs are formed from different places. A striking example would be the male germ cells(cells of the scrotum). They are formed near you back. And slowly,they are pushed out by the time you are born. The kidneys are formed in a lower position-three types of them of increasing sophistication,and they are raised to a higher level. The pancreas forms forward to backward round the gut and it rotates, joins, and settles on the left. etc etc.
Similarly, the heart,that old ticker. We all studied it has these 4 rooms,chambers. Top 2 and bottom 2. And the kicker is this. The atria(the top 2) are below the ventricles(bottom 2) during the embryological development. And in a forward backward axis. It is later tilted to the left right axis.
Now, to cut the bull shit..
This guy, a diabetic patient, must have stressed out a bit at work and did not have a proper meal. His insulin caused him to go hypoglycemic and he was brought to the hospital with symptoms of irritability and impaired perception of surroundings. Obscenities flew left and right from his mouth until we gave him glucose which settled him.
Precautionary ECGs are taken for all older patients with non specific symptoms and this guy's ECG taken 3-4 times was showing the same reverse pattern. And when it was confirmed by listening to his heart, that it lay on the other side,everybody in the room was excited. We got an X ray done and it's there at the top of the article to see. This was quite fun.
Oh yea, don't worry,he is 55 years old and he didin't even know of this till we told him.As you can find out from google,dextrocardia can go unnoticed and free of problems many times. Oh and yea,that's the hand of yours truly in that picture.
(Diaphragmatic eventration coming up soon.Stay tuned)
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
The madness for power..
Curiosity is my thing. I google pretty much anything and everything, interesting, boring,new anything from time to time. So the past few days there is this Maneka Gandhi and her son Varun Gandhi a lot on the news,it being election time, I googled the mother and entered her wiki page entry. I was always curious as to how she ended up in BJP,but being lowkey,she had evaded my research until now.
And what I found out from there and other pages will leave you or any sensible grown-up in a bubble of disbelief. Full of jaw-drop and all.
I wanted to copy paste the article but,it's too nauseating. To see a woman going to such levels to gain leverage and political ground. All this bullshit debates about obscenity on tv,in movies etc while our leaders-well,so called leaders,if you say- go about unabashedly shattering the concept of boudaries when it comes to power grabbing. Imagine. Imagine what must've been the life of that female victim. Of course, it's not important is it? not all humans are equal. Silly me. But still, the idea of a leader of the nation herself and her know,just discussing the legalities and the profits of the pictures with no regard to anything called ethics sends one into a deeper quagmire of distrust against this sub-species among people,the politicians. Don't get me wrong, I don't blame and corner and typecast the politicians as evil of the society and all that.It's pretty nonsensical in my view,cos they are one of us only. They are born from our own soceity. So it's pretty nonsensical to badmouth them. But then,things like this...another level.
Cut to the present, and 'honorable' Mrs.Gandhi of the BJP goes about remarking, communalising people for the sake of power. Not surprising considering how low they can stoop to if needed. If the ease with which they go about spewing venom is amazing to watch, it's even more amazing to see idiots who constitute their loyal party workers and the other similar public fall for it-every time.
But,credit where it's due-the other day I read another article in a newspaper where they reported that the people in the said constituency were like- ' they have to come up with something better,it's easy to see the plot now and we are in no mood to get into fights'.
P.S. Rajeev Gandhi's then failed assassin,some guy is contesting elections this time-just heard in the news. Hope he has had his rehabilitation in the jail and is totally devoted to social service now. As they say, it's the former drug addicts that make the best drug counsellors. Hehe.
Saturday, March 28, 2009
The power of "madness."
Back to the main topic- there was this dancing show on tv yesterday. And Prabhu Deva was the chief guest. He is this Michael Jackson of India as everyone knows in India. Also what comes across when you see him in such appearances anywhere, is the humility, gentlemanliness, an attitude of getting on with the job. Qualities I love. But yesterday he revealed an anecdote of his,which might have gone quite unnoticed among the sea of 'great people' nowadays-sarcasm intended,every tom dick and harry is elevated and termed 'great' nowadays without regard, and every stupid behavior is given so much importance until it starts appearing as tomfoolery. Anyways..
Prabhu Deva told on the show about something which I believe in. And strongly advocate to anyone who I can find wading through my inferiority complex,who can be eligible for an earful from me. He talked about the power of madness. He was a middle class guy with 4-5 of their family members all sleeping in the same living room. No concept of bedroom and all in some families. And as a child,obviously he was crazy about dance, but the level to which he was crazy is like this-he said he would get only dreams of dance movements.Some or the other,some o rthe other music and some dance movement as a dream. And that's not all. The kicker-Whenever he would get a new step in his dream,he would need to wake up and he would wake up instantly and had to do that dance. Cos you know, you can forget the moves sometimes when you wake up. So he'd dance that step, same room, and then go back to sleep.He signed off saying that is how it should be, you have to have that madness to be something.That is the power of madness.
Everything told with that typical air of nonchalance and as expected,nobody understood or pointed out the greatness of the story. That idiotically dressed anchor only merely thanked him formally for coming in, the other judges would just cheer and hold their breaths while he did a performance, but no reaction to this story and it was over. The moment was over.
Imagine yourself getting over a dream recurrently, about such things yourself. Spoiling your slumbers just so that you don't forget whatever you learnt in your dream, the next day.My respect for the man increased manifold after that story. Mind you, there was that thick screen of nonchalance too,which makes it hard to see greatness through. That is an inspiration people. Use it to your own benefit. Moral of the story if focus. That single minded determination which Will Smith shows in The Pursuit Of Happyness,which Glenn McGrath shows when he would put a coin on the pitch and practice bowling on the precise spot-like a mad man. You might have an interest towards your work, the first example or you might be forced by,adversity or the zeal to excel like the latter two examples,and trust me to go when I tell you-it makes achieving your 'something' that much easier if you have that madness going on with you.
Wow, preachy stuff, innit? I'm sure I was successful in not putting much of diary type notes in this.And adios before I start doing that.
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
Pilot again!
Just bear with my average language and the insecurities.
I also hope to raise a lot of issues-hope to-from everyday.And I love discussions,nice, healthy reviews,comments heartily encouraged and invited.
So, I'd start with those 2 movies first off. Not much to discuss in this one I guess.
Dev-D first...the guy just drinks and sleeps throughout the movie. Literally, just drinks and falls asleep. Rich dad supplying rokda without a pause. Some foul language thrown in,direct seductive behavior and filthy dialogues for the female protagonists and 'new age' cinema is born. Honest to god,I didn't see a point in the movie.Well, there was..the drunken devdas sees a car crash just beside him while he is picking up coins from the road(his dad has expired by now and he is impoverished) and this is the twist and the new devdas-realises he could have been the victim and tells himself sudharja ab tho...goes to chandramukhi and accepts her as her love-happy ever after ending.Last 5 minutes. And for that,you have to sit through 2 hours of crass. No dialogues,all darkness..wonder what people are seeing in this movie to even think it's a different kind of or new age or whatever adjective they are able to come up with other than crass.
And then came the documentary Dilli-6. Seriously.Slumdog Millionaire? That is the difference-glaring at you.These two films. When you want to show the life style or ethos and culture of some place make a frigging story first. And let the location play only a passive part in that story. Here,he just makes a 3 hour documentary. Good lord! I am sure everyone is only giving this movie good ratings to avoid being called hypocrites for praising Slumdog Millionaire. Idiotic movie showing only the locales of some chandni chowk area of Delhi the hell would I know that area or anyone outside of delhi. And why would they enjoy it. It was confusing for story,no pace, just a plain documentary. Only Rahman's music rocks. El fantastico. Foot tapping, each one of them brief numbers.
I also saw the Bourne series the day before,and obviously loved each one of them. Got to hit the sack now. Duty tomorrow and it's past 1 am.
Btw,Pilot again!yea..after the pilot in the other blog.Kinda like the word pilot which they use for the inaugural episodes of series.